What a wonderful trip! My 8-day Embracing Magic retreat in Ireland was a blend of studio time, enriching excursions, and cultural experiences with an amazing group of artists (shown in this video, along with some new friends).

>> Sorry you missed it? Good news! I’ll be back teaching in Ireland in June 2024. I hope you’ll join me.

Inspired by strolls along the beautiful coastline, visits to enchanting villages, and touring ancient castles and ruins, we created brilliant memories on every step along the way.

It was an interesting mix, with some experienced encaustic painters and some who had little or no reference for what they were jumping into! From quick sketches to complex works layered with imagination, we cheered each other on as we took big leaps of faith in our work and ourselves.

I’m so excited about what everyone created, that I want to share it with you! The gallery below contains just some of the many paintings created from our trip.

Embracing magic RETREAT GALLERY

Questions? Contact Linda Robertson
All text and images on this site (c) 2023-2025 Linda Robertson

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