photo encaustic: hand coloring

Saturday, March 2, 2024
10 am - 4 pm. $235

All levels class
Portland, OR

Photographers seem especially drawn to working with wax because of the variety of ways their images can be reborn in a new medium. Working with encaustic expands the traditional methods of hand coloring photographs, also allowing you to easily add texture.

The look you achieve depends on how you choose combine colorful wax, oil stick, and pastel to add color to your black and white photographs. I’ll demonstrate all of these methods so you can personalize your look.

The best part? If you don't like the color you can easily remove it until the end when we set it with heat!

Before class begins I will send you instructions on how to easily prepare your images, or you can use one of mine. Not to worry, we'll use copies so you can preserve your original photographs. All supplies will be provided except for your personal imagery.

Most students leave class with 2 finished projects. Confirmation, directions to my studio and additional information will be emailed to each student upon registration. Space is limited to 5 students so classes fill quickly.

3 ways to register:

  1. *PREFERRED* Paypal: Send $the class fee to with a note about which class you want.

  2. Venmo: Send to (9139 phone digits). **Please send me your email! Venmo does not include an email with receipt.

  3. Check: Email for mailing address. Check must be received at least 5 days before start date.

If you have questions registering online please contact me at

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