texture & pigment sticks

Sunday, May 19, 2024
10 am - 4 pm. $235
All levels
Location: Portland, Oregon

There are several ways to add texture to your encaustic paintings, so we'll explore some of them in this class.

You can build up texture by painting through different materials onto your wax, using brush techniques to build up sections of your surface and specialty tools to add and remove others.

I'll teach you the equivalent of a dry brush technique using wax, my favorite chunky texture for rocks, and even show you how you can break (or at least bend) the "fuse-every-layer" rule.

A beautiful way to enhance your surface texture is with oil/pigment sticks. Think of this as oil paint in stick form that can be applied directly to your wax paintings. By incorporating pigment sticks with texture, you can add depth to your encaustic paintings not possible with wax alone. We'll explore how best to fill incised lines, glaze with subtle color and draw directly onto the wax surface with vibrant colors.

All supplies for this workshop will be provided for you. Don't worry if you haven't tried anything like this before, the medium is very forgiving and I'll have lots of materials available for you to work with.

3 ways to register:

  1. *PREFERRED* Venmo: Send to www.venmo.com/Linda-Robertson-47 (9139 phone digits). **Please send me your email! Venmo does not include an email with receipt.

  2. Paypal: Send $235 to paypal.me/lindarobertsonarts.

  3. Check: Email hello@lindarobertsonarts.com for mailing address. Check must be received at least 5 days before start date.

If you have trouble registering online please contact me at (503) 348-9139 or hello@lindarobertsonarts.com.

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