Hau'oli Makahiki Hou (Happy New Year)!
Many folks may have already spent time looking back at what they accomplished in 2022, and maybe resolving to make some changes. I don’t bother much with resolutions, but I do like to set some goals and make a rough plan.
I already have many commitments and opportunities lined up this year, including leading an art retreat in Ireland in May! Of course, there will also be some studio workshops and online courses (creative connections starts next week) and of course, painting. Lots and lots of painting!
I have a 2-month show in the fall which will include some paintings at sizes I’ve never attempted before. Pushing ourselves is good, right??? In order to make that happen, I need to start planning now. One thing is clear; I won’t be able to teach as many classes this year, so if you see a class that interests you, don’t hesitate to register.
So how to set that up? I begin with the events, shows, travel, and commissions that I’ve already firmly committed to. Once those are blocked in, I start adding the steps I need to get to them. That might include ordering supplies, preparing panels, and regular goals for finishing new work. Don’t forget framing, photographing, packing, and delivery,. Hey, it all takes time and energy.
Don’t forget to schedule yourself some downtime and some fun! This is where I often stumble so if you do too, you might want to do this part first. Take a walk every day, make an art date to see friends, or heck just take a nap. If you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t have what you need to pour into your art practice.
I tend to do to all of this on a printed calendar with lots of sticky notes and graph paper. Later I’ll get it into my online calendar. Yes, very old-school, but it works for me. If you prefer vision boards, scheduling apps, or some other method, then go for it. Whatever works to give you a clear path to your goals is the right method for you.
So how do you plan for the new year? I’d love to hear about it, so please leave me a comment below the graphic! Cheers to 2023!